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Online Presence Analysis

The Online Presence Analysis lets us look into how your business is doing online. We will look at your website design, functionality, and content. We will also look into your ideal keywords and locations in respect to your competitors in relation to your competition.
We will analyze your web presence in great detail, so that you will ultimately be able to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses.

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Key part of online marketing strategy

Any business, big or small, should have the online presence expansion as a key part of their online marketing strategy. Through an active online presence, you will increase visibility and build your brand’s reputation.
This allows you to reach out to potential visitors who continue to inquire about your products and services.
In order to see exactly where your brand stands with its online presence in your industry, we offer what we call an Online Presence Analysis.
This analysis will help us determine how well your business is seen among potential visitors as compared to your major competitors.

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What Does an Online Presence Analysis include?

  • On-page and Off-page analysis
  • Competition comparison
  • Content reporting
  • Where you stand when searching keywords related to your website
  • Social Media presence
  • Brand’s visibility among search engines
  • Design and functionality of your website
  • Competitor analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Web-traffic analysis & increasing traffic
  • Ideas to gain more business
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Your Online Presence Evaluation Consists Of:

[iconbox type=”5″ icon_title=”A video review of our proprietary 30-point an analysis” icon_name=”sl-control-play”][iconbox type=”5″ icon_title=”A detailed summary of our findings, recommendations and resources” icon_name=”sl-eyeglass”][iconbox type=”5″ icon_title=”A 30-minute phone consultation” icon_name=”sl-call-out”][iconbox type=”5″ icon_title=”Free email follow-up to insure results” icon_name=”sl-envelope-open”][distance type=”2″]
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Why Online Presence Analysis is Important:

If you have never monitored your presence on the Internet to see how well your marketing activities are working, you should do one now to set a baseline for measuring your improvement over the next few months. As you increase your visibility, great things can happen for your business.
What have I missed? Is there something else we should include in this analysis? let us know how well you are doing.

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keyword ranking” color=”#a2d67e” icon=”sl-key”][distance]
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Organic traffic” color=”#fb8b4b” icon=”sl-globe-alt”][distance]
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Top 10 ranking” color=”#b78ce2″ icon=”sl-rocket”][distance]
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Visit duration” color=”#19d1e5″ icon=”sl-hourglass”][distance]
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We do not only provide SEO and Internet marketing services but we also offer a wide array of related services such as SEO friendly web design, pay per click, affiliate marketing, website audits, social media optimization, branding and several others.

[distance][testimonial_slider type=”penta”][testimonial_item name=”John Anderson” img=”8876″ subtitle=”Risotto Co” testimonial_content=”One of the best theme I have ever used. Every minor detail has been taken care of. Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website. Excellent template.” second_social=”instagram”][testimonial_item name=”Lida Smith” img=”8880″ subtitle=”Mexin Co” testimonial_content=”Lida has assisted me with questions in regards to web hosting and has offered me more insight in half an hour than my current host did in all the years I have been with them.” first_social=”instagram” second_social=”linkedin” third_social=”vimeo” fourth_social=”pinterest”][/testimonial_slider][distance type=”2″]
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